The guy at the gym asked me how much I weighed. He guessed that I was 280lbs. I had just told him that at my highest I was a little over 300lbs.
What’s going on here!
Do I really look that BIG?
You know what that means?
Screw this diet and let’s go EAT….
Nope not this time EGO
I’m dedicated for real. My follow through is not based on what I think about someone else’s comment. Neither is it based on my convenience. It’s based on my sole dedication to My Transformation.
It’s mine not my opinion. It belongs to me not my feelings. I made a conscious decision to become something Greater and I’ll be doggone if I allow my weaker self dictate to me how to feel.
The devil is liar ( And that devil is my deeply rooted feelings about myself that’s based on physical interpretation).
Check this out he could have meant that I was muscular. He could have just been throwing out numbers, after the first weight that he said was 260lbs. Who knows… The only thing to know is that no matter what I’m all in.