In honor of my baby my Grandmother, Miss Dorothy Walker.
What consistency looks like are the words that keep flashing across the screen of mind. I feel like how I’m living right now is in line with what it means to be consistent. It ain’t perfect but it’s consistent. It’s the grind of self analysis that really makes consistency happen.
Truth is we don’t really want to know our own truth. That’s why we’re so nosey and opinionated. Life is easier that way, is the lie that we conveniently fool ourselves into believing.
But it’s not.
To be honest I ate too much last night. It messed with my running performance today. But thanks to the practice of self analysis, and a little bit of divine intervention I was able to do what I had to and have a personal breakthrough.
The fact that I’m writing this blog is a breakthrough. I was given instructions from God to write this, and my ego tried to step in and say, ” Why bother, we can do it later, nobody’s reading our stuff anyway.”
The thing is, we are creators, and if we’re creating our lives we can’t simply wait for things to line up just perfect in order for us to take massive consistent action. No, instead we have to act as if. In church they say praise God in advance, but what they forget to tell us is that our lives are supposed to be praised.
Tony Robbins says it like this. “The way out of suffering is to realize we all have a 2 million-year-old brain. It’s not designed to make you happy, it is designed to make you survive. So it’s always looking for what’s wrong so you can fight it or flight from it or freeze.” He also says that, “Happiness and fulfillment are a state of mind, a state that can be trained,” also he says that, “Most people have a highway to frustration, and they have a dirt road to happiness neurologically, “I neurologically wire myself, just like a muscle, to go to positive things.”
If I want an audience that is eager to read my writing and that loves it every time I speak, I have to live as though it has already happened. What would it be like if… If my blog was well read and received by 100’s of thousands of fans? How would I live? What would my actions be like with those conditions?
The only reason that I am not putting the pressure on myself to write consistently and put our great content, is because I don’t wholeheartedly believe in that being my reality. I believe that it will happen. It will be in the future, it has, and it is happening now. That’s the difference between the ultra successful and the wannabes. See I do what I have to do for my job because I believe that it’s real and that I will be paid to do it. It’s real to me, so I find the energy/ motivation to do it. My blog, my speaking career, my fitness goals we’re not in that category until recently. That’s The Manifestation Switch folks.
Today I’m celebrating my grandmother’s passing. She passed around 8 am on this day a few years ago. If you know me you would know that my grandmother raised me, so she was essentially my mother.
Did you know that some people that I consider friends that knew about this day, didn’t even call or text me to check on me.
I could cry like a little punk, I wanted to say something else.. Or I can get deep with the darn thing. Well we choose to get deep with it. How About this belief for you.. God knew that I needed this breakthrough. God knew that if someone or someone’s were to coddle me and what not, I would be to busy running my mouth and not get the breakthrough that I so desperately needed.
Now everybody say with me, ‘ God Blocked it’!!
Now if God blocked who’s going to check his will. A damn fool, which I know I have been for far too long.
Remember your elevation will cost you in the form of isolation, I’m just saying.
Anyway, I ran 10 1/2 miles yay for me.
I really wanted to eat some Frenchies Chicken to celebrate. Which was a lie from the pit of diet stupidity. Really, I was still feeling stress and anxiety from disciplining myself, and I wanted to fall back on old behavior as a way of giving myself relief.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Prov 3: 5-6
I didn’t get the chicken y’all.
It wasn’t that big of a fight once I saw what I really wanted and who I wanted to become.
For me this is what consistency looks like. Living life one breakthrough at a time.