“Without a positive morning routine, your day can easily turn out precisely how it started – unfocused, uninspired, and unmotivated with everything becoming a potential distraction.”- Stefan James

What’s all of this talk about having a morning ritual?

Why do we need to wake up a certain way?

Life is hard enough, why make it more cumbersome with things like mandatory prayer, meditation, and reading.

You just answered yourself I said to myself.

What’s the answer?

Because I think life is cumbersome and hard. That’s why I need a mandatory way of getting up each day.

In fact I notice a demonstrative difference in how I live and perform when I wake up and do my morning ritual. Or should I say, I allow it to do me.

While it’s not 100 percent true that how you start your day is how you will end it, but it’s a pretty good indicator of how your day will go more than likely.

Having a morning ritual is more about power and control than anything else.

You have power over how you decide to approach your day.

We can’t control the traffic, our coworkers attitudes, or the stock market. Yet, when exert our will over our approach to our day each and every single day. We subconsciously prime our mind’s to be mentally tough even in the face of herculean situations. We without ever knowing it create our own David, that is patiently waiting for his opportunity to slay our Goliath’s.

“We become tough by consistently doing mentally tough things.” – Me

Again why is it so darn hard to get up and follow a morning ritual that’s not full of b.s. like scrolling through social media first thing in the morning, or hitting the snooze button?

I believe it’s hard because we’re conditioned  to live our lives disconnected from ourselves. This makes it easier for us to not have to really look in the mirror of our souls. Instead we can look at someone else’s mess and not feel so bad about our own. This of course leads to us being forced to experience more of the same prosaic life experiences that we already have. We’re ok with be reactive and negative, because we believe that we can at least predict what’s going to happen next.

Having and doing a morning ritual requires us to be uncommon in a common world. This for me explains why it’s so hard to keep consistent with our routines.

We secretly don’t want to be all that different from everyone else.

So the main thing that we really have to ask ourselves is how much do we really want a life of greatness and are we willing to sacrifice our current lives for it.

Here’s an example of how Tony Robbins morning ritual looks

1) Wake up
2) Drink Something Nutritious

3)  Do Priming/ Gratitude Practice

4) Workout

5) Eats breakfast

FYI, he does this everyday. He wakes up with a plan already for his day. He’s not waking up waiting for the bottom to fall out like most of us.

The point in writing this is to say that if success is what you and I really want. We have to set up successful ways of approaching our days so that we live with our purpose and not the purpose that life throws at us.