It’s  Jan 11, 2021; I’m running on my treadmill, getting my early morning cardio in. I figured since I’m running at a moderate pace I might as well feed my mind with stuff that’s going to feed my future. This is a bit of a change for me, listening to compensation plans for the business that I’m apart of, instead of my usual mix of hard hitting, bass filled music.

I’m practicing N.E.T Time, that means “No Extra Time”. It’s term coined by Tony Robbins, and this methodology works. The thing is, it’s kinda uncomfortable.

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Roy T. Bennett

This is exactly where I need to be, and where I have been fighting, and if I’m really going to be honest, why I’m not yet where I’m supposed to be.

That’s all changing, because I am accepting the ‘Suck’.

Basically, I’m becoming comfortable with my discomfort.

Back to my story. So I’m running and everything is fine until my team leader gives us some tips on how to grow our business.

She tells us to ask people that want samples of our products to refer at least two of their friends to us. We get their friends info, along with the person that we’re sampling, put them in our private group where they will literally see thousands of peoples testimony’s about how great the products are working for them. This of course encourages them to want to be apart of this movement in some capacity, right? Also, this one is the kicker. By asking for them to refer two people that they know we’re also teaching them how easy it is to work our business model.

Ingenious right!! It is to the person with an open mind, but my mind has been cynical in certain areas.

When she she laid out this great plan, I immediately began to think that wouldn’t work. People don’t want to be asked to do any work in order to try some pills I thought.

And then it happened 

I realized one of the reasons I wasn’t where I knew that I should be in life!

I for all of this time allowed my inner cynic run the show instead of my inner leader that knew how to follow instructions from other leaders that knew what they were talking about. This woman literally built her business this way, and she did it in a matter of months, and my silly self is up here talking you know what. How stupid of me!!!

Check this out, it gets better. I followed the advice that I received from another leader in the industry and had just signed someone up who I literally had almost wrote off. In fact she came to me and did all of the heavy lifting herself.  It felt so unreal to put her in my business, because it was so easy.

I immediately while running reminded myself of how I had just signed up an unlikely prospect, and if that could happen, then the advice my leader was giving me could and would work for me too.

Stop being that guy I said to myself!!!

Stop living in doubt
Stop being so darn pessimistic about stuff you haven’t even tried wholeheartedly yet
Stop being half in and half out (Ouch..)

This is why you feel stuck

You’re mind has not moved from this position of cynicism.

The process works, you only have to submit to it. Basically, you have to change from being cynical and pessimistic to full of faith, optimistic, and full of energy. People like that can make that strategy that my leader gave us work. They don’t see through the lense of struggle everytime they are presented with an idea that they are not familiar with.

Plus, I forgot. I’m building a business for a particular type of customer. So the real reason I was so cynical is because I thought it would be hard for me to attract those type of people that would be eager to work with me.

“Whatever you choose to believe, will be the concept that runs your mind.” – Joe Vitale