Although diet and exercise have been touted as the holy grail when it comes to losing stubborn weight. In reality we know that this is not altogether the truth. Yes, diet and exercise play a major role in weight loss and management. Those two cousins are not the only things that play a major role in us reaching our weight loss goals.

In this brief article I’m going to mention a few other reasons why diet and exercise aren’t the only things we need to concern ourselves with when it comes to our weight.

  1. You are not getting enough sleep

There is definitely a relationship that exists between the quantity and quality of the sleep that we get. When we lack sleep, our bodies try to compensate by sending us signals to eat more. The reason for this is because, basically we losing precious energy, and the body has to make up for that loss somehow.

The caveat to this is this, we don’t generally reach for some grilled vegetables or baked chicken. No, instead we reach for potato chips, soda, and sugary foods that we know were not supposed to eat. Hey, here’s a bit of good news. You don’t have to beat yourself up to much about this. Our bodies are actually trying to get the fastest form of energy that it feels it can get. High glycemic foods, sugars, and salts meet that description. On top of that, we are chemically hooked on our junk food selections. I know this is a dirty game.

2. You are Stressed Out

When we have too much pressure, and we all can feel that way sometimes. Our bodies release excess stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol can cause the body to actually resist insulin. This in turn, raises our blood sugar levels and causes the body to increase its fat storage. So instead of burning off fat, our bodies are holding on to it, because it thinks it needs it to survive. Believe it or not we are still pretty much cave men physiologically. We are cave men that have too much food to eat (LOL)

Psychologically, stress eating is a real thing. Too much stress can trigger a sudden drop in our blood sugar and that can stimulate our appetites.

3 You Are Getting Older

As we age our metabolisms tend to slow down and the body is less able to produce muscle. Muscle burns fat. So we need muscle in our weight loss pursuits.

4 You Are Dehydrated

Water helps to regulate our metabolism and digestion. Dehydration actually increases our appetite. The body is trying to get it’s precious fluids from somewhere. A lot of times our bodies are telling us that it needs more water. Unconsciously, we reach for food instead of water. Of course this can cause weight gain.

5. Your Medication

Many medications are known to have weight gain as a side effect. If not weight gain directly, then indirectly, by increasing stress which can lead to “stress eating”. Medications like beta-blockers (for hypertension and high blood pressure), antidepressants, anticonvulsants (seizures), antipsychotics, diabetes medicines (e.g. insulin), and steroids. I know first hand how steroids can cause major weight gain.

6. Your Underlying Medical Conditions

Conditions like diabetes, fluid retention, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), underactive thyroid, and other issues that can effect the bodies endocrine system.

I wrote all of this to say that there are more reasons than willpower, discipline, diet, and exercise that effect our ability to lose weight. My hope is that we become more loving with ourselves and others on their journeys. I believe that real love brings about healing. This healing is not something that is airy fairy, but this is something that is real. I don’t know about you, but I believe in miracles. I believe in hard work, I teach it, I live it. But there are some things in life, that need a supernatural touch on them if you will.

Let’s work hard, train hard, eat smart, but above all else, Love Harder. Until next time God Bless

This native Indian plant from the ginger family is mostly known for its use as a spice in various foods, but this spice is more than just a spice. It’s a nutritional powerhouse.

Turmeric is also considered one of the world’s healthiest herbs. The reason for this is due to the fact that for thousands of years people from Asiatic countries have used turmeric to treat all sorts of health related conditions.

Here are a few things that can happen if you consume Turmeric regularly:

#1 Brain Optimization

One of turmeric’s main compounds is curcumin. Researchers have found that curcumin has the ability to enhance our ability to learn and even process in different environments. There’s also some research that suggests that curcumin could help fend off neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia or Alzheimers.

Researchers studied rats for a 12 week period. They fortified their diets with curcumin. They found that the rats had an enhanced spatial and non spatial memory. Also, there were some hints the curcumin may aid in neuroplasticity ( the development of new brain connections).

Let’s dig a little deeper into this neuroplasticity thing.

Science used to believe that neurons weren’t able to divide and multiply after our early childhood. We now know that that’s not the case.

(BDNF) , or brain – derived neurotrophic factor, which is a type of growth hormone that functions in our brain. It is one of the main reasons our brains neurons can continue to multiply and divide after early childhood.

Many of our commonly known brain disorders like Alzheimers and depression report having decreased levels of BDNF hormone.

This means that curcumin may be effective in delaying or even reversing many brain diseases.

Also, curcumin may make you smarter. Basically, curcumin boosts BDNF levels which in turn increase the growth of new neurons. This process fights various neurodegenerative processes in our brains.

#2 Improves Heart Health

Curcumin can help with ensuring a healthy heart. Plaque builds in our arteries, and that build up can lead to us having heart attacks and strokes. Curcumin has been shown to help aid in plaque removal.

LDL aka, bad cholesterol is reduced with the use of curcumin. Turmeric can also help prevent blood clots. Conversely, turmeric may interact with certain blood clot medications,- so please be sure to check with your doctor.

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the world. There are various factors that contribute to heart disease.

Here’s an interesting benefit of curcumin when it comes to heart disease. Curcumin has been shown to improve the function of the endothelium; (the lining of your blood vessels)

Endothelial dysfunction is a major culprit in the heart disease game. If the endothelium is not working properly, it can’t properly regulate blood pressure, blood clotting and various other functions.

There are studies that show that using curcumin can improve endothelial function. One study from the Dept of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, show that curcumin works as well as the drug Atorvastatin. Note: Patients took 150 mg of curcumin twice a day for 8 weeks.

To add to this, curcumin reduces inflammation and oxidation in the body, which also contributes to heart disease.

#3 Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation has a bit of a bad reputation. It’s commonly associated with pain and illness. Funny thing is, that inflammation actually helps our bodies fight foreign invaders and has a role in repairing damaged cells. If we didn’t have inflammation, pathogens like bacteria could easily take over our bodies and kill us.

While short term inflammation is good. You get a cut, it hurts, and the body’s inflammation process goes to work. Inflammation becomes a problem when it becomes chronic. The phrase, “Too much of a good thing”, comes to mind.

Did you know that it is commonly believed in medical circles that chronic low level inflammation is at the root of almost every disease.

Now here’s some good news. Research has shown that curcumin has been shown to match the effectiveness of some anti- inflammatory drugs, without the harsh side effects.

All in all Tumeric is a powerful ally to have in your health arsenal. I use it often because I put my body to the test and I want to make sure that I am giving myself the best chance to not only recover properly, but also, to live optimally. If you want to know the type of Turmeric that I use, I placed a link below. It has 300 mg of curcumin in it, which has been found to be effective in studies. Plus, it has collagen and some other good stuff in it. It doesn’t hurt that it doesn’t taste bad either.

Why I Decided To Do 2,250 Pushups in 30 Days?
Pushups are considered a staple in the world of fitness. I have always considered pushups to
be a semi hard exercise. What I mean is that I can do them, but I can’t do a ton of them like the
guys in prison.
I’m tired of that being my story and reality. The truth is, is that whenever I would train
consistently, my ability to bang out pushups would increase. The only thing that has ever
messed me up, is my on and off again approach to fitness. Being that way has not allowed me
to accomplish the things that I want with my fitness.
This has to change, and it is changing Now!!!
That’s why I decided to challenge myself to do 2,250 pushups in 30 days. Now before you look
at me like I’m crazy, which by the way I am. That’s really only 75 pushups a day. That’s
completely doable. The only caveat is that this requires me to be consistent and show up
everyday. Even on days that I have excuses not to show up, I still must find a way to show up.
Can I love myself enough to show up for myself. Nobody’s giving me any prize for doing this. I’m
just exercising my right to be Awesome.
I honestly, believe that this push up challenge will take my life to the next level that it deserves. I
believe that it will do the same thing for you too.
Here Are A Few Benefits of Doing Push ups:
Push ups Build Overall Core Strength
When you’re doing a push up, you are actually using multiple muscles at the same time.
Muscles like
● Chest Muscles
● Shoulder Muscles
● Bicep Muscles
● Upper Back Muscles
Push Ups Strengthen Your Joints Too
Because you’re using your elbows and shoulder, push ups will actually help strengthen these
joints over time.
Push Ups Burn Fat!!

Push ups elevate your heart rate because they engage our core musculature. Did you know thaton average we burn 7 calories each minute when doing push ups. Now you combine that with afat burning routine, a solid diet, and you have a recipe for fat burning success.Push Ups Build DisciplineFor me this is the real goal of doing this challenge. Self discipline is the key that unlocks thedoors to success. By literally willing yourself to wake up every morning, and knocking out these75 push ups. You literally hardwire your brain to be more disciplined, which equals, moresuccessful. Remember,” Motivation gets us going, but discipline keeps us growing”. – JohnMaxwell

Do you like me suffer from having back fat and those dreaded love handles? Hey there’s nothing to love about having love handles if you ask me.

“Without a positive morning routine, your day can easily turn out precisely how it started – unfocused, uninspired, and unmotivated with everything becoming a potential distraction.”- Stefan James

What’s all of this talk about having a morning ritual?

Why do we need to wake up a certain way?

Life is hard enough, why make it more cumbersome with things like mandatory prayer, meditation, and reading.

You just answered yourself I said to myself.

What’s the answer?

Because I think life is cumbersome and hard. That’s why I need a mandatory way of getting up each day.

In fact I notice a demonstrative difference in how I live and perform when I wake up and do my morning ritual. Or should I say, I allow it to do me.

While it’s not 100 percent true that how you start your day is how you will end it, but it’s a pretty good indicator of how your day will go more than likely.

Having a morning ritual is more about power and control than anything else.

You have power over how you decide to approach your day.

We can’t control the traffic, our coworkers attitudes, or the stock market. Yet, when exert our will over our approach to our day each and every single day. We subconsciously prime our mind’s to be mentally tough even in the face of herculean situations. We without ever knowing it create our own David, that is patiently waiting for his opportunity to slay our Goliath’s.

“We become tough by consistently doing mentally tough things.” – Me

Again why is it so darn hard to get up and follow a morning ritual that’s not full of b.s. like scrolling through social media first thing in the morning, or hitting the snooze button?

I believe it’s hard because we’re conditioned  to live our lives disconnected from ourselves. This makes it easier for us to not have to really look in the mirror of our souls. Instead we can look at someone else’s mess and not feel so bad about our own. This of course leads to us being forced to experience more of the same prosaic life experiences that we already have. We’re ok with be reactive and negative, because we believe that we can at least predict what’s going to happen next.

Having and doing a morning ritual requires us to be uncommon in a common world. This for me explains why it’s so hard to keep consistent with our routines.

We secretly don’t want to be all that different from everyone else.

So the main thing that we really have to ask ourselves is how much do we really want a life of greatness and are we willing to sacrifice our current lives for it.

Here’s an example of how Tony Robbins morning ritual looks

1) Wake up
2) Drink Something Nutritious

3)  Do Priming/ Gratitude Practice

4) Workout

5) Eats breakfast

FYI, he does this everyday. He wakes up with a plan already for his day. He’s not waking up waiting for the bottom to fall out like most of us.

The point in writing this is to say that if success is what you and I really want. We have to set up successful ways of approaching our days so that we live with our purpose and not the purpose that life throws at us.

It’s  Jan 11, 2021; I’m running on my treadmill, getting my early morning cardio in. I figured since I’m running at a moderate pace I might as well feed my mind with stuff that’s going to feed my future. This is a bit of a change for me, listening to compensation plans for the business that I’m apart of, instead of my usual mix of hard hitting, bass filled music.

I’m practicing N.E.T Time, that means “No Extra Time”. It’s term coined by Tony Robbins, and this methodology works. The thing is, it’s kinda uncomfortable.

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Roy T. Bennett

This is exactly where I need to be, and where I have been fighting, and if I’m really going to be honest, why I’m not yet where I’m supposed to be.

That’s all changing, because I am accepting the ‘Suck’.

Basically, I’m becoming comfortable with my discomfort.

Back to my story. So I’m running and everything is fine until my team leader gives us some tips on how to grow our business.

She tells us to ask people that want samples of our products to refer at least two of their friends to us. We get their friends info, along with the person that we’re sampling, put them in our private group where they will literally see thousands of peoples testimony’s about how great the products are working for them. This of course encourages them to want to be apart of this movement in some capacity, right? Also, this one is the kicker. By asking for them to refer two people that they know we’re also teaching them how easy it is to work our business model.

Ingenious right!! It is to the person with an open mind, but my mind has been cynical in certain areas.

When she she laid out this great plan, I immediately began to think that wouldn’t work. People don’t want to be asked to do any work in order to try some pills I thought.

And then it happened 

I realized one of the reasons I wasn’t where I knew that I should be in life!

I for all of this time allowed my inner cynic run the show instead of my inner leader that knew how to follow instructions from other leaders that knew what they were talking about. This woman literally built her business this way, and she did it in a matter of months, and my silly self is up here talking you know what. How stupid of me!!!

Check this out, it gets better. I followed the advice that I received from another leader in the industry and had just signed someone up who I literally had almost wrote off. In fact she came to me and did all of the heavy lifting herself.  It felt so unreal to put her in my business, because it was so easy.

I immediately while running reminded myself of how I had just signed up an unlikely prospect, and if that could happen, then the advice my leader was giving me could and would work for me too.

Stop being that guy I said to myself!!!

Stop living in doubt
Stop being so darn pessimistic about stuff you haven’t even tried wholeheartedly yet
Stop being half in and half out (Ouch..)

This is why you feel stuck

You’re mind has not moved from this position of cynicism.

The process works, you only have to submit to it. Basically, you have to change from being cynical and pessimistic to full of faith, optimistic, and full of energy. People like that can make that strategy that my leader gave us work. They don’t see through the lense of struggle everytime they are presented with an idea that they are not familiar with.

Plus, I forgot. I’m building a business for a particular type of customer. So the real reason I was so cynical is because I thought it would be hard for me to attract those type of people that would be eager to work with me.

“Whatever you choose to believe, will be the concept that runs your mind.” – Joe Vitale

See I would constantly get on her about being mindful about how she walked. I also would tell her that it was possible for her to get better, even well, if she would believe and work at it.