People who are insecure about themselves love to seek flaws in others.

This quote hits me hard right in the chest. In a weird way the quote is like what Jesus said about judgmental people. “Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge], so that you will not be judged [unfairly]. Matt 7:1 Amplified Version

This is so true. I found that when I’m out here running my mouth talking about other people negatively ( judging, overly criticizing, minding their business and not my own) I’m actually taking attention off of myself. This in turn takes away my focus and energy. I’m focused on their life, and that takes energy that I should be using to better my own situation.

This leaves mentally drained whether I realize it or not. So I never really go as hard as I can and should at my own goals. I believe this is why the church is not as powerful as it could be. There are too many nosey and judgemental people not seeing themselves for who they really are.

Back to me and you.

Have you noticed that when you’re really focused on achieving something you don’t have time to focus on what somebody else is doing or not doing? In fact you get aggravated when folk come around distracting you with gossip and what not.

It hurts but it’s a good hurt to know that all of this time I was actually being insecure in my own gifting and abilities. I would focus on the negatives in someone else’s life so that I could blind myself to my own mess.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t let my insecurities block me from my purpose any longer. Wasting my energy on other folks business while I procrastinate on taking massive action in my life is spiritually unacceptable. Our energy really does go where our attention goes, and I want mine to go my best life.