
“With the end of 2022 now in sight, have you made the progress you planned on this year, Donald?

If you’re crushing all your goals and setting new ones – congratulations! Now is not the time to slow down, but instead capitalize on your momentum and tap into the success cycle with a Tony Robbins Results Coach.

If you haven’t met your goals for the year, you’re not alone – and a Results Coach can help ensure that next year you don’t look back with the same sense of disappointment. After all, how this year ends is how 2023 begins.”..

This is an excerpt from an email that I received from Tony Robbins. I didn’t get it directly from Tony, but I’m on his list lol!

This email pissed me off with myself.

The email reminded me that I didn’t do what I said that I would do at the beginning of 2022. It reminded me that I wasted another year living in limbo, because I didn’t get into my life like I was supposed to.

But this email gave me a special gift. It gave me the right kind of motivation that gets stuff done. It gave me ‘Discomfort ‘. This type of discomfort creates real action because you realize that you have been living a lie and have become somewhat comfortable at living uncomfortable. I’m not talking about that uncomfortable that’s needed for growth. I’m speaking about the uncomfort of working a dead end job, or being overweight, or living in a house that doesn’t represent who you really are. I’m talking about being uncomfortable and almost accepting it as life. That limbo place where you know better. You also know the habits that you’re supposed to be implementing to get where you’re supposed to go. But you keep falling off and before you know it a year has passed by, and you realize that you let yourself down again.

This email helped me. Because I made a promise to myself that next year I would resonate with the part of the email that says, ” If your crushing your goals and setting new ones- congratulations!”

That will be my testimony next year. I believe that because I’m actually doing something about becoming that man right now!!!

“Never leave the site of a goal without first taking some form of positive action towards its attainment. Right now, take a moment to define the first steps you must take to achieve some goal. What can you do today to move forward?” – Tony Robbins